Wednesday 29 January 2014

Hospitality - Going Out

Hospitality - Going Out

Artist : Hospitality
Title : Going Out
Album : Trouble (2014)
Label : Fire Records
Release date : January 28 2014
Duration : 03:34
Format : MP3

Hospitality - Going Out Lyrics

You're looking at yourself alone
Standing in the class with a costume on
Hoping on that you would call

Awful dresses and Paris souls
Limestone rings and high heels souls
Rotting cloth from the head to toes

Come and lift your shoulders
Go out and it's cold
And my enemies
A broad man in the back door

Nights frosted
The cooler the cramb is
I saw my best boy standing
At the bar, where I left him

Walk with me for a time
Go out in the cool cold air
You know where my mind is
A broad man in the back door

Starring out the window
I got my rings and my limestones
Dusting off my cuffs
Rainbows down in the winds

Can't fight in the feet why I'm cold
Rainbows down in the dust, I cannot decide
Home alone

Rainbows down in the dust
Don't have any fear when I'm cold

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