Wednesday 29 January 2014

Hospitality - Inauguration

Hospitality - Inauguration

Artist : Hospitality
Title : Inauguration
Album : Trouble (2014)
Label : Fire Records
Release date : January 28 2014
Duration : 02:09
Format : MP3

Hospitality - Inauguration Lyrics

Counting on and this is why uuuuh
You never say the same things twice uuuuh
Boy, you say, S van say, no fun say
S ways to know my time

I watch the inauguration uuuuh
Lone and with the tattered vision uuuuh
Why you go and tell me you caught me by
Disconnect the line?

Valentino, I don't need you
Leave a message, leave it out to dry
I don't need you, Valentino
Empty letters, disconnect

Is this my life,?
Is this my fate?
Unrequited, unremind

And if I'm lost in love and need you
Disconnect the line

Other songs from Album:

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