Saturday 15 February 2014

Bastille - Poet

Bastille - Poet

Artist : Bastille
Title : Poet
Album : All This Bad Blood (2014)
Label : Virgin
Release date : January 14, 2014
Duration : 02:45
Format : MP3

 Bastille - Poet Lyrics

Obsession it takes control,
Obsession it eats me whole.
I can't say the words out loud,
So in a rhyme I wrote you down.
Now you'll live through the ages,
I can feel your pulse in the pages.

I have written you down
Now you will live forever
And all the world will read you
And you will live forever
In eyes not yet created
On tongues that are not born
I have written you down
Now you will live forever

Your body lies upon the sheet,
Of paper and words so sweet.
I can't say the words,
so I wrote you into my verse.
Now you'll live through the ages,
I can feel your pulse in the pages.

I have written you down
Now you will live forever
And all the world will read you,
And you will live forever
In eyes not yet created
On tongues that are not born
I have written you down
Now you will live forever

I have read her with these eyes,
I've read her with these eyes,
I have held her in these hands.

I have written you down,
Now you will live forever.
The virtues in the verse,
And you will live forever.

I have written you down
Now you will live forever
And all the world will read you
And you will live forever
In eyes not yet created
On tongues that are not born
I have written you down
Now you will live forever

Other songs from Album:

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